Monday, December 25, 2006

December 2006 Update

I'm sure that 10 days before Christmas you have about as much time to read as I have to write (hence the 2 weeks late update), so I'll keep this short.

Merry Christmas to all!

Ok, not that short. Are you kidding? Have you ever known me to say that little! This is short Kelly style, which means normal length.

This has been a fantastic Advent season so far. At the end of November we celebrated American Thanksgiving with the internationals here. We had 41 people there speaking a few different languages--it was definitely a Thanksgiving to remember. I would estimate that almost half of the people there weren't a regular part of our church, and many of those wouldn't usually show up at a church period. It was a great time to connect with people.
We've been having weekly services for each week of Advent, and they have been lots of fun. I was really encouraged that one of my new friends from a language exchange came to the service and really liked it. Taking sandwiches out to the homeless on Fridays has been growing and we're seeing more needs for coats and blankets as it gets colder--people in the church are being generous with giving. On 3 Kings Day (January 6), we're having a dinner for the people we see out regularly and bringing them in to a central place, where we'll give them food and gifts. We haven't done this before, but we're excited to see what can happen.

AND NOW, AN IMPORTANT PRAYER REQUEST! We have been looking for a permanent space to rent--right now we're renting a room each time we meet, but don't have a space that we can use all the time. Today we looked at a space that is in a great central location and is big enough to have meeting space, office space, a room for the kids, and a kitchen. It needs some fixing up but is structurally sound and has a good price on the rent. This really would be a step of faith for us to rent this space, but we're feeling like this may be a step God is asking us to take. We told the owner that we would get back to him on Monday, so over the weekend we're asking as many people as possible to pray with us. First, that God would show us whether or not this is what He wants. Also, that if it is, He will provide for us to be able to do it.

Thanks for your prayers.

And while you're at it, here are a few more things you can pray about this month!

--I leave next Thursday (21 December) for Christmas in the U.S. Pray for safe travel and a great time with family.
--Pray that the logistics will work out for the dinner we are putting together for the homeless.
--Pray for the developing relationships our church has with the contacts we've made through the last few weeks, through Thanksgiving, friends of friends, language exchanges, etc.
--We're starting an Alpha Course (basics of Christianity) in the new year. Pray that people will come and that God will bless our conversations.
--Pray for my roommate Amy--praise that she has decided to stay in Madrid for a couple more years (!!!), and pray for her as she spends Christmas in Madrid this year
--Pray for my finances--I will be losing at least $250 a month in support next year, so pray that God will provide what is needed.

Thanks so much for your support, encouragement, and especially your prayers. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.



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